News & events
Exclusive Workshop: What Leaders Should Do in The Age of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is a new tool that is developing so fast that has benefits and risks. Leaders should know how to use this double edge sword for personal and company success. Essential for every leader today!
read more >>Digital Service Culture: Breakthrough Technology in Pharmaceutical Business Services Facility
EMOS 8th Celebration “National EMOS Talkshow & Virtual Expo”
read more >>Big Data & AI: Era Baru Membangun Ekosistem Perbankan Digital
Investortrust Power Talk Financial Series dengan tema “Big Data & AI: Era Baru Membangun Ekosistem Perbankan Digital. Tahukah kamu bahwa big data dan AI kini menjadi salah satu kunci utama dalam membangun ekosistem digital yang lebih maju? Namun, dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, banyak pertanyaan muncul mengenai bagaimana cara terbaik memanfaatkan potensi besar dari big data dan AI. Apakah big data dan AI mampu menciptakan ekosistem digital yang lebih efisien dan inovatif? Bagaimana langkah-langkah terbaik dalam mengintegrasikan teknologi ini ke dalam berbagai sektor industri?
read more >>Gelar Seminar Transformasi Digital untuk Masa Depan Penempatan Pekerja Migran: PT Bahana Mega Prestasi Ingin Menjadi Perusahaan Pionir Penempatan Pekerja Migran yang Berbasis Teknologi Digital
Gelar Seminar Transformasi Digital untuk Masa Depan Penempatan Pekerja Migran: PT Bahana Mega Prestasi Ingin Menjadi Perusahaan Pionir Penempatan Pekerja Migran...
read more >>Cegah Penipuan Perekrutan Calon Pekerja Migran di Internet, Pelayanan Harus Terintegrasi | Ekonomi
Lonjakan signifikan terjadi dalam pendaftaran Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) yang mencari pekerjaan di luar negeri pada 2024.
read more >>Gelar Seminar Transformasi Digital, PT Bahana Mega Prestasi Layani Calon Pekerja Migran Secara Terintegrasi
Lonjakan signifikan dalam pendaftaran Pekerja Migran…
read more >>Public Workskop: Pelatihan Penilaian Tingkat Maturitas Digital Bank - Batch II
Untuk ke-2 kalinya dengan Batch-II, Intellectual Business Community (IBC) membuat pelatihan 1 (satu) hari yang singkat dan padat, dengan tujuan akhir para peserta memahami konsep maturitas digital, serta memahami cara mengisi lampiran SEOJK tersebut di atas. Setiap bank umum sebaiknya mengirimkan 3 orang peserta untuk mengikuti pelatihan ini, yang terdiri dari perwakilan divisi bisnis, IT, kepatuhan, audit, legal, dan perencanaan.
read more >>Digiforbankers: Penjelasan dan Pengarahan Dari OJK Tentang Penerapan UU PDP di Bank Umum
Penjelasan dan Pengarahan dari OJK tentang Penerapan UU PDP di Bank Umum oleh Deputi Direktur Departemen Pengaturan dan Pengembangan Perbankan OJK
read more >>In-House Workshop: Pelatihan Penilaian Tingkat Maturitas Digital Bank - bank bjb
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten, Tbk (bank bjb) menyiapkan laporan tersebut, Intellectual Business Community (IBC) membuat pelatihan 1 (satu) hari yang singkat dan padat, dengan tujuan akhir para peserta memahami konsep maturitas digital, serta memahami cara mengisi lampiran SEOJK 24/SEOJK.03/2023 TENTANG PENILAIAN TINGKAT MATURITAS DIGITAL BANK UMUM
read more >>Public Workskop: Pelatihan Penilaian Tingkat Maturitas Digital Bank
Untuk membantu para Bank Umum menyiapkan laporan TENTANG PENILAIAN TINGKAT MATURITAS DIGITAL BANK UMUMtersebut, Intellectual Business Community (IBC) membuat pelatihan 1 (satu) hari yang singkat dan padat, dengan tujuan akhir para peserta memahami konsep maturitas digital, serta memahami cara mengisi lampiran SEOJK tersebut di atas. Setiap bank umum sebaiknya mengirimkan 3 orang peserta untuk mengikuti pelatihan ini, yang terdiri dari perwakilan divisi bisnis, IT, kepatuhan, audit, legal, dan perencanaan.
Di dalam perubahan digital yang makin kencang, pelaku usaha perlu menggunakan dengan baik seluruh potensi digital yang diperlukan untuk membuat perusahaan menjadi unggul. Salah satu potensi baru yang menjadi landasan bagi keunggulan digital adalah ekosistem. Dalam rangka menggali potensi ini, Bank DKI bermaksud menyelenggarakan seminar dan diskusi tentang membangun ekosistem dalam transformasi digital bagi para manajemen puncak BUMD DKI Jakarta dan Bank DKI, yang difasilitasi oleh Dr. Bayu Prawira Hie, pakar transformasi digital dari Intellectual Business Community.
read more >>37 Bank Raih Digital Banking Awards 2023, BRI Sabet Best of The Best
Sebanyak 37 bank meraih penghargaan Digital Banking Awards 2023 yang diselenggarakan portal data dan berita ekonomi bisnis bekerja sama dengan Intellectual Business Community (IBC). Dalam ajang bergengsi itu, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) sukses menyabet predikat Best of The Best.
read more >>Bank BRI Sabet “Best of The Best Digital Banking Awards 2023”
Apresiasi setinggi-tingginya layak diberikan kepada Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Bank BRI). Pasalnya, dengan implementasi digital yang sangat baik dari BRI, mulai dari pelayanan hingga business process-nya, membuat bank berkode emiten BBRI ini sukses menyabet penghargaan paling paling prestisius, yakni ‘Best of the Best Digital Banking Awards 2023’.
read more >>Raih Best of the Best Digital Banking Awards, Bank BRI Punya Jurus Layanan Digitalnya Aman dari Cyber Crime
Apresiasi setinggi-tingginya layak diberikan kepada Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Bank BRI). Pasalnya, dengan implementasi digital yang sangat baik dari BRI, mulai dari pelayanan hingga business process-nya, membuat bank berkode emiten BBRI ini sukses menyabet penghargaan paling paling prestisius, yakni ‘Best of the Best Digital Banking Awards 2023’.
read more >>Bank-Bank KBMI 1 Kesulitan Terapkan Digital Banking
Executive Director Intellectual Business Community, Bayu Perwira Hie mengatakan, ada sejumlah hambatan bagi bank-bank di kelompok bank berdasarkan modal inti (KBMI) I atau yang memiliki modal inti kurang dari Rp 6 triliun dalam menerapkan digitalisasi. Salah satunya akibat kurangnya fokus investasi di sektor teknologi informasi (TI).
read more >>Cegah Serangkan Siber, Bank Mestinya Anggarkan IT Security 10-15% dari Belanja IT
Serangan siber atau cyber attack yang melanda salah satu bank BUMN beberapa waktu lalu mengejutkan masyarakat Indonesia. Oleh sebab itu, pelaku industri perbankan diminta meningkatkan anggaran security berkisar 10-15% dari total anggaran divisi IT.
read more >>Hadapi Ancaman Serangan Siber dengan Strategi Resilien
Keseriusan bank menghadapi persoalan ini direalisasikan melalui penerapan risk manajemen yang baik sampai protokol krisis menghadapi gangguan teknis. Bagaimana pun, para peretas di dunia modern hampir selalu mengikuti perkembangan kecanggihan digital milik perbankan.
read more >>Menakar Tingkat Resiliensi Bank Menghadapi Serangan Siber
Layanan digital perbankan kini semakin luas, mudah, dan kompleks. Dari smartphone, seorang nasabah bisa menikmati aneka fasilitas layanan, mulai dari transfer dana, membeli kopi, membuat keputusan investasi.
read more >>Ketahanan Digital Penentu Resiliensi Bisnis Perbankan
Dua bank papan atas dilaporkan mengalami gangguan layanan digital dalam kurun tiga bulan terakhir. Gangguan yang dipicu serangan siber itu tidak sekedar membuat layanan pada nasabah terganggu, tetapi juga menjurus pada pembobolan data nasabah.
read more >>Comparative Analysis of Digital Banks
Beberapa bank telah mendeklarasikan diri sebagai Bank Digital, yang berarti berkomitmen untuk menerapkan prinsip-prinsip digital banking sebagai model operasi bisnis yang utama. Blu ingin mendapatkan masukan tentang comparative analysis Blu dibandingkan dengan Bank Digital lainnya. Blu meminta oleh Intellectual Business Community melakukan dan mempresentasikan analisis komparatif tersebut.
read more >>Blue-Print Transformasi Digital PT Asuransi Umum BCA - Sesi 01
Pelatihan In House Training Blue-Print Transformasi Digital PT Asuransi Umum BCA.
read more >>Fintech dan Digital Banking: Opportunities in the Year of Perfect Storms
The Indonesia India Business Forum (IIBF) event discusses the landscape of fintech-'financial technology', or technologies that automate traditional forms of finance-in India and Indonesia that are leading the way. It looks at metrics such as rate of adoption, policy levers, and funding, and identifies opportunities for collaboration between India and Indonesia.
read more >>Flip for Business: Inovasi untuk Integrasi Ekonomi dan Keuangan Digital
B-Universe bekerja sama dengan Flip menggelar dialog untuk memberi gambaran mengenai tren integrasi jasa keuangan digital ke depan, berikut peluang dan tantangannya, agar memberi manfaat bagi perekonomian, pelaku ekonomi dan masyarakat.
read more >>5 Digital CX* Trends in 2023
Bagaimanakah pengalaman pelanggan (Customer Experience/CX) tahun 2023? Kiranya pertanyaan ini sangat menarik dijawab, semenarik dinamikanya CX di Indonesia khususnya, dan global umumnya, yang sama sekali tidak pernah statis.
read more >>Transformasi Digital Menjadi Obat Mujarab
Menghadapi tahun 2023, kita dihadapkan pada kewaspadaan terhadap badai ekonomi dunia yang nyata. Walaupun ekonomi Indonesia diprediksi tetap bisa bertumbuh cukup baik di kisaran 4,7-5,3% menurut Bank Indonesia, tidak berarti seluruh industri akan bertumbuh. Sebagian industri akan mengalami masalah besar karena pasar ekspor terutama ke Amerika Serikat yang melemah.
read more >>Dari Covid-19 Menjadi Lemah Jantung Ekonomi
Di pengujung tahun 2022, banyak sekali pendapat pengamat baik melalui opini di media massa, wawancara, maupun diskusi para pengusaha, yang memperingatkan badai ekonomi yang akan makin kencang melanda di tahun 2023.
read more >>Tokoh Finansial Indonesia & BUMN Terbaik 2022 | Majalah Investor Awards
Majalah Investor kembali memberikan penghargaan Tokoh Finansial Indonesia & BUMN Terbaik kepada para CEO di industri keuangan yang telah memberikan kontribusi penting pada industri yang digelutinya, serta layak menjadi panutan di tengah tantangan bisnis saat ini. Selain itu penghargaan juga akan diberikan untuk perusahaan BUMN terbaik, Multifinance terbaik dan Sekuritas terbaik terhadap kinerja perusahaan tersebut.
read more >>Indonesia Economic Forum
The 9th Annual Indonesia Economic Forum 2022 - From G20 to ASEAN: Key Takeaways for Indonesia
read more >>International PR Summit - EGA
Keynote Speech: Healthcare & Well-being , Biological and Digital Transformation: The Challenge for Healthcare and Well-being
read more >>Transformasi Layanan Perbankan Digital BPR
Webinar Penguatan People, Business Process, dan Governance dalam rangka Transformasi Layanan Perbankan Digital BPR
read more >>BNI - Embracing Bank's Digital Transformation
Di industri perbankan, saat ini terjadi perubahan yang besar sekali yang disebabkan oleh Transformasi Digital. BNI ingin agar seluruh karyawannya mempunyai wawasan dan pola pikir yang siap untuk bertransformasi digital.
read more >>Asuransi ABDA - Grow Stronger with Digital Transformation
Asuransi ABDA ingin mendapatkan gambaran yang padat dan komprehensif tentang perubahan digital yang sedang terjadi, cara bagaimana masa depan bisnis asuransi, dan bagaimana cara terbaik mempersiapkan asuransi ABDA dalam bertransformasi digital.
read more >>BCAinsurance - All-round Digital Transformation Leadership
BCA Insurance ingin mendapatkan gambaran yang padat dan komprehensif tentang perubahan digital yang sedang terjadi, cara bagaimana masa depan bisnis asuransi, dan bagaimana cara terbaik mempersiapkan BCA Insurance dalam bertransformasi digital.
read more >>Kuliah Umum - "Transformasi Digital: Keniscayaan dan Kehati-hatian"
Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas mengadakan Kuliah Umum dengan metode webinar untuk mahasiswa menghadapi transformasi digital. Narasumber akan berdiskusi dengan Judul "Transformasi Digital: Keniscayaan dan Kehati-hatian"
read more >>Webinar Digi Talk - "Digital: Yesterday, Today and Tommorow"
BSI mengadakan Webinar yg menunjukkan kematangan penilaian digital di industri perbankan. Narasumber akan berdiskusi dengan Judul “Digital: Yesterday, Today and Tommorow".
read more >>33 Bank Raih Digital Banking Awards 2022
Sebanyak 33 bank meraih penghargaan pada ajang Digital Banking Awards 2022 (DBA 2022). Penghargaan yang baru pertama kali diadakan ini diberikan Majalah Investor - Berita Satu Media Holdings (BSMH) bekerja sama dengan Intellectual Business Community (IBC) pada acara penganugerahan Digital Banking Awards 2022 secara virtual, Selasa (28/6/2022)
read more >>RED WHITE Public Training - Digital Operation Management
“Dapur” dari setiap bisnis adalah operasional manajemennya. Banyak hal yang perlu dicapai dalam operasional manajemen, yaitu antara lain bagaimana melakukan suatu pekerjaan dengan efisien, paling cepat, paling akurat, paling baik kualitasnya dengan investasi yang paling minimal. Sesi ini akan membahas apa saja teknologi saat ini yang bisa mencapai tujuan tersebut, antara lain robotics, 3D printing, big data analytics dan lainnya.
read more >>Apa Adanya Podcast | Dokter Manusia Membedah Bank
Mau tahu bagaimana seorang dokter manusia, mendalami transformasi digital dalam dunia perbankan. Saksikan perbincangan hangat antara Direktur Pemberitaan BeritaSatu, Primus Dorimulu bersama Dr. dr. Bayu Prawira Hie, MBA dalam podcast Apa Adanya hanya di BeritaSatu.
read more >>Menjaga Bersama Cybersecurity Verena
Transformasi Digital melanda semua industri, menjadi kesempatan bagi yang menyambutnya sekaligus ancaman bagi yang tidak siap. Salah satunya ancaman Cybersecurity yang makin penting seiring cara kerja yang makin digital. Verena Otofinance ingin mendapatkan gambaran yang padat dan komprehensif tentang bagaimana cara terbaik agar setiap individu Verena ikut berperan dalam cybersecurity.
read more >>BeritaSatu - Special Dialogue "Digitalisasi Bank Untuk Mendukung UMKM Provinsi"
Beberapa bank membangun ekosistem dengan platform lain, baik platform e-commerce, platform pembayaran, platform ride hailing, platform akomodasi pariwisata, dan sebagainya. Ini juga merupakan hal baru yang menjadi tren dalam digitalisasi perbankan.
read more >> - Kisah Sukses Transfomasi Digital BBRI Lewat BRIvolution
Executive Vice President Application Management and Operation Division, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI), I Nyoman Sugiri Yasa mengungkapkan, BRI memiliki program jangka panjang transformasi digital. Program tersebut diwujudkan melalu pengembangan aplikasi BRIvolution.
read more >> - Pimpinan Bank Jadi Kunci Sukses Transformasi Digital
Digital Transformation Expert, Bayu Prawira Hie mengungkapkan tantangan paling utama transformasi digital adalah mindset. Bagi bank konvensional, terlebih bank besar memiliki legacy yang berbeda dari bank kecil. Untuk mengubah bisnis model menjadi bank yang fully digital tidak mudah, karena memiliki jumlah nasabah yang besar dengan segmentasi berbeda-beda.
read more >>BeritaSatu - Special Dialogue "Tantangan Transformasi Digital Bank"
Digitalisasi layanan bukan hanya memberikan kemudahan dan kenyamanan, namun juga efisiensi bagi bank dan memperbesar pendapatan dari sisi fee based income. Digital banking bisa melakukan efisiensi besar dengan pemangkasan kantor cabang. Sebab, saat ini secara umum mayoritas transaksi atau lebih dari 80% dilakukan lewat kanal-kanal digital, bukan lagi lewat counter atau cabang bank.
read more >>Tahap Interviu Digital Banking Awards 2022
Adanya kompetisi yang ketat dari masing-masing bank dalam memberikan layanan digital, baik yang dilakukan oleh bank digital murni maupun oleh bank umum lewat digital banking-nya akan semakin agresif dan mewarnai lanskap perbankan di masa depan. Berikut adalah tahap interviu beberapa bank yang telah dilaksanakan pada 06-07 Jun 2022.
read more >>BeritaSatu - Special Dialogue Apa Kabar Perbankan Digital Indonesia
Bank digital lebih mengandalkan dari nasabah ritel atau kredit konsumer serta pasar mikro pasar mikro dan generasi milenial. Seperti diketahui, selama lima tahun terakhir setidaknya sebanyak 18 bank kini sebagian atau mayoritas sahamnya telah berpindah tangan ke entitas finansial besar, baik itu bank asing, bank domestik bermodal kakap, hingga perusahaan financial technology. Langkah akuisisi ini sebagian diikuti oleh langkah konversi bank kecil yang telah dicaplok tadi menjadi bank digital.
read more >>Diskusi IKAL Strategic Centre (ISC) - "Fintek Bodong Digital Kosong"
Agenda mingguan diskusi IKAL Strategic Centre (ISC) melaksanakan diskusi dengan topik “FINTEK BODONG DIGITAL KOSONG”
read more >>Webinar Digi Talk - "Banking in Metaverse"
Digital Transformation Program kepada peserta dari Bank Sahabat Sampoerna yang dilaksanakan pertemuan pada 13 Apr 2022. Narasumber akan berdiskusi dengan Judul “Banking in Metaverse”
read more >>Digital Transformation Leadership Program Bank NTT
Digital Transformation Program kepada peserta dari BPD Bank Nusa Tenggara Timur yang dilaksanakan pertemuan pada 07 Apr 2021 di Denpasar, Bali
read more >>In House All-Round Digital Transformation Leadership Program Bank Kalteng
Pelatihan All-Round Digital Transformation Program yang dilaksanakan 3 sesi, dengan 2 hari pelaksanaan setiap kalinya, pertemuan pada 04-05, 11-12 dan 18-19 Apr 2022
read more >>Digital Assessment Maturity Perbankan
BSI mengadakan Webinar yg menunjukkan kematangan penilaian digital di industri perbankan, dan membahas tahapan bank yang ada di Indonesia untuk mencapai penilaian tersebut. Narasumber akan berdiskusi dengan Judul “Digital Assessment Maturity Perbankan”.
read more >>Digital Banking Awards 2022
Adanya kompetisi yang ketat dari masing-masing bank dalam memberikan layanan digital, baik yang dilakukan oleh bank digital murni maupun oleh bank umum lewat digital banking-nya akan semakin agresif dan mewarnai lanskap perbankan di masa depan. Segala transaksi dan layanan perbankan akan berada dalam satu genggaman, lewat perangkat smartphone. Kenyamanan dan kemudahan yang dirasakan nasabah akan semakin sempurna jika sektor keuangan dalam satu grup terintegrasi dalam satu layanan digitalisasi.
read more >>Bank Mana yang Layak Jadi Pemenang Digital Banking Awards 2022?
Penghargaan diberikan kepada bank digital murni maupun bank-bank umum yang sudah mendigitalisasi layanan dan operasionalnya. Puncak acara penganugerahan Digital Banking Awards (DBA) 2022 rencananya akan digelar pada Mei mendatang.
read more >>Bank Mana yang Layak Jadi Pemenang Digital Banking Awards 2022?
"Acara ini juga bertujuan untuk membantu pemerintah dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dalam mendorong transformasi digital sektor perbankan, mendorong bank-bank untuk memperbaiki kualitas layanan digital, mendorong terjadinya akselerasi pembentukan ekosistem digital perbankan di Indonesia, serta sebagai ajang untuk memacu setiap bank bertranformasi digital secara komprehensif," kata Bayu Prawira Hie, Digital Transformation Expert, dalam keterangannya, Selasa (8/3/2022).
read more >>All-Round Digital Transformation Leadership Program for Bank Kalbar
Bank Kalbar ingin menyiapkan para pemimpinnya untuk mempunyai wawasan dan kompetensi yang dapat membuat Bank Kalbar bertransformasi sesuai kemajuan digital. Oleh karenanya Bank Kalbar merencanakan melaksanakan pelatihan yang lengkap dan mendalam bagi para pemimpinnya untuk Transformasi Digital yang disiapkan oleh Intellectual Business Community.
read more >>Dampak Metaverse terhadap Bisnis dan Operasional Bank
BSI mengadakan Webinar yg menunjukkan apa itu Metaverse, dan membahas apakah Bank perlu mengadopsi Metaverse. Narasumber akan berdiskusi dengan Judul “Dampak Metaverse terhadap Bisnis dan Operasional Bank”.
read more >>The First Webinar Series with Metaverse Technology
Webinar yg menunjukkan apa itu Metaverse, dan membahas apakah Bank perlu mengadopsi Metaverse. Para narasumber akan berdiskusi dgn tampilan avatars dalam 3D space Metaverse di layar Zoom Anda, dan Anda tdk perlu alat/program khusus untuk bisa ikut webinar ini.
read more >>Digital Banking For a Digital Society
Webinar yang diselenggarakan oleh Ikatan Alumni Magister Ilmu Hukum Universitas Kristen Indonesia (Perkumpulan IKA MIH UKI) untuk memberi pemahaman yang utuh kepada masyarakat tentang perkembangan era digitaliasi di dunia perbankan, dan pentingnya terobosan digital dalam dunia perbankan menjelang era 5.0
read more >>Kick-off Digital Leadership Academy Unpad
Untuk memperkuat dan percepatan pencapaian target Universitas Padjadjaran menuju Hybrid University yang diimplementasikan dalam bentuk Digital Leadership Academy Unpad
read more >>Outlook Keuangan dan Perbankan 2022
Seiring dengan membaiknya perekonomian dunia (termasuk Indonesia) dan diperlukannya kebijakan transisi yang lebih fokus pada aspek keseimbangan (strike a balance) antara makro ekonomi, sektor rill dan sektor keuangan, maka OJK Kantor Regional 1 DKI Jakarta dan Banten bermaksud menyelenggarakan seminar dengan tema “Outlook Keuangan dan Perbankan 2022 : Peluang dan Tantangan Di Regional DKI Jakarta dan Banten”.
read more >>Inovasi dalam Perbankan di Era Digital
Innovation Targets in Digital Era: Customer Experience, Operational Excellence, New Business Model, The Power of Business Model Innovation; key to exponential growth, Business Model Innovation Examples and the impacts created, webinar for the Board of Directors to the Staff of Nobu Bank.
read more >>Model Bisnis dan Proses Transformasi Digital Bank
Program Studi Administrasi Keuangan dan Perbankan VOKASI Universitas Indonesia menggelar Webinar bertema "MODEL BISNIS DAN PROSES TRANSFORMASI DIGITAL BANK" berlangsung 14 Dec 2021, diharapkan memberikan gambaran model bisnis dan proses transformasi digital bank di Indonesia.
read more >>Transformasi SDM di Era Digital
Perbanas Institute menggelar Webinar Series Ke-19 Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Program Studi S1 Manajemen dengan bertema "TRANSFORMASI SDM DI ERA DIGITAL" berlangsung 8 Dec 2021.
read more >>Transitioning Technology in Digital Transformation
IT is at the heart of Digital Transformation. Generally, companies that want to carry out Digital Transfor- mation have also built IT capabilities before. They often have IT systems that are already running and widely used in companies (System Legacy). However, the planned Digital Transformation is very likely to require systems and devices that are very different from those already owned and executed. What is the best way to transition? This session will discuss the above using concepts and case examples.
read more >>Peluncuran Indonesia Digital Infrastucture Report
Berita Satu Media Holdings (BSMH) menggelar Indonesia Economic Outlook 2022 bertema "Tahun Ekspansi Ekonomi" berlangsung 22-25 Nov 2021, diharapkan memberikan gambaran prospek ekspansi ekonomi nasional tahun 2022 dengan berpijak pada pencapaian selama tahun 2021.
read more >>Bank Syariah Indonesia: Knowledge Sharing Forum
Knowledge Sharing Forum "Digital Transformation Readiness" yang dipersembahkan oleh Bank Syariah Indonesia.
read more >>Transformasi Digital Bank untuk Mendukung UMKM Indonesia
"Transformasi Digital Bank untuk Mendukung UMKM Indonesia" yang dipersembahkan oleh Bank Sentral Republik Indonesia
read more >>Webinar: Communications in Digital Era
Digitalisasi membawa perubahan yang mengganggu dalam lanskap bisnis. Corporate secretary perlu menjaga komunikasi dengan investor, pemerintah, dan publik sedemikian rupa sehingga meningkatkan citra perusahaan. Penanganan komunikasi yang salah dapat memberikan dampak yang besar. Jika corporate secretary tidak mengelola komunikasi dengan baik, terutama pada masa pandemi ini, citra perusahaan akan bermasalah dan harga saham bisa turun. Namun, jika corporate secretary dapat mengelola komunikasi dengan baik, citra perusahaan akan positif dan harga saham akan naik.
read more >>Webinar Launching e-Book “Panduan Transformasi Digital Bank di Indonesia”
Buku “Panduan Transformasi Digital Bank di Indonesia” telah mendapat sambutan baik dari kalangan perbankan Indonesia dan regulator. Karena itu, didukung oleh beberapa Bank, buku ini akan diedarkan dalam bentuk e-book agar dapat dibaca oleh jauh lebih banyak orang serta bisa lebih memberikan dampak percepatan transformasi digital bank di Indonesia. Untuk itu diperlukan sosialisasi berupa Webinar sebagai penanda peluncuran e-book tersebut.
read more >>Digital Operation Management
"Kitchen" from every business is its operation management. Many things need to be achieved in operation management, namely, among others, how to do the work most efficiently, the fastest, the most accurate, the best quality, with the least investment. This session will discuss what are the current technologies that can help achieve these goals, including robotics, 3D printing, Big Data Analytics, and others.
read more >>Webinar: Masa Depan Bank Digital di Indonesia
Webinar "Masa Depan Bank Digital di Indonesia" yang dipersembahkan oleh OJK Institute
read more >>Discussion on Digital Transformation - IKAL
Find out about DR. Dr. Bayu’s insights on digital transformation, particularly on its impacts towards Indonesian economy, through discussion by IKAL Strategic Centre. Other guest speakers include Former Deputy Governor of Bank of Indonesia Dr. Drs. Paul Soetopo Tjokronegoro, MA. MPE and Assistant Governor, Department Head of Payment System Policy of Bank of Indonesia Filianingsih Hendarta, SH, MBA.
read more >>Shifting HR Management into Digital
Human Resources Management is the most sensitive thing in Digital Transformation, because many things previously done by humans can now be done by machines faster, better and cheaper. In addition, many employees are difficult to increase their competence to be part of the company's future after digital transformation. Many traditional HR management methods today are no longer suitable, and demand "Agile HR Development". This session discusses how to transition from the current HR condition to HR management during the digital transformation.
read more >>Marketing in the Digital Age
Interaction with customers and non-customers is one of the most rapidly changing activities due to digitalization. Microtargeting is possible and is a powerful digital marketing weapon today. Omnichannel data communication and integration is the back end needed to support this. In this session participants will explore how the above can be applied to their company.
read more >>Crafting Digital Strategy
Digital Strategy is not the same as IT Strategy. Digital Strategy includes strategies that the company wants to do through its Digital Transformation, along with its measurement indicators using the Balanced Scorecard method. Also a long-term business strategy whether to go to an IPO, private offering, merger & acquisition, with the consequences of steps that must be taken. All of these will be discussed in this session.
read more >>BPD Kalteng All-Round Digital Transformation Leadership - Season 07
Pelatihan All-Round Digital Transformation Program yang dilaksanakan 7 kali, dengan 2 hari pelaksanaan setiap kalinya, pertemuan pada 25-26 Jun 2021
read more >>Digital Business Model Innovation
The most disruptive digital transformation is what changes the mainstream business model. Suppose that Uber changed the business model of the taxi industry that had been formed for so long, and therefore instantly changed the map of the strength of the personal transportation industry. In this session participants will learn how to innovate a business model that fits their company.
read more >>BPD Kalteng All-Round Digital Transformation Leadership - Season 06
Pelatihan All-Round Digital Transformation Program yang dilaksanakan 7 kali, dengan 2 hari pelaksanaan setiap kalinya, pertemuan pada 11-12 Jun 2021
read more >>BPD Kalteng All-Round Digital Transformation Leadership - Season 05
Pelatihan All-Round Digital Transformation Program yang dilaksanakan 7 kali, dengan 2 hari pelaksanaan setiap kalinya, pertemuan pada 28-29 Mei 2021
read more >>BPD Kalteng All-Round Digital Transformation Leadership - Season 04
Pelatihan All-Round Digital Transformation Program yang dilaksanakan 7 kali, dengan 2 hari pelaksanaan setiap kalinya, pertemuan pada 21-22 Mei 2021
read more >>BPD Kalteng All-Round Digital Transformation Leadership - Season 03
Pelatihan All-Round Digital Transformation Program yang dilaksanakan 7 kali, dengan 2 hari pelaksanaan setiap kalinya, pertemuan pada 30 Apr-01 Mei 2021
read more >>Four Pillars in Leading the Digital Transformation
In this session participants will learn four important pillars that need to be led in digital transformation, in addition to technological changes in their companies. Indeed, leadership to transform things including organizational culture is far more important than technological change.
read more >>BPD Kalteng All-Round Digital Transformation Leadership - Season 02
Pelatihan All-Round Digital Transformation Program yang dilaksanakan 7 kali, dengan 2 hari pelaksanaan setiap kalinya, pertemuan pada 23-24 Apr 2021
read more >>Post Covid-19 Business, Life, and Technology
Digitalization brings disruptive changes in business landscape. Many conventional well-established companies are facing threat of losing their existence. To survive, conventional companies should change and capitalize digital advancement through Digital Transformation
read more >>BPD Kalteng All-Round Digital Transformation Leadership - Season 01
Pelatihan All-Round Digital Transformation Program yang dilaksanakan 7 kali, dengan 2 hari pelaksanaan setiap kalinya, pertemuan pada 16-17 Apr 2020
read more >>Managing Cybersecurity Risks
A lot of progress can be achieved with Digital Transformation, but on the other hand digital security risks are also things that cannot be abandoned. Unfortunately a lot who do not realize the magnitude of the danger that can occur if this risk is not properly maintained. Security risk location this digital is not only on software and hardware, but it is the biggest aspect of technology management. This session does not discuss cybersecurity technically digital, however from the perspective of a leader in managing technology.
read more >>The Millenial Society
Millennials are those born between 1980-1995, which means they are now 23-38 years old, with characteristics that are different from the previous generation (Generation X) and later generations (Gen Z). At present they constitute the largest percentage of workforce and in the next 5-10 years they will become leaders in most companies. On the other hand, they are ‘the rising middle class' in Indonesia, which determines the purchasing power of consumers. This session will explore the characteristics of the Millennial Generation both in terms of how to manage them as leaders, employees, and consumers.
read more >>Transitioning Technology in Digital Transformation
IT is at the heart of Digital Transformation. Generally, companies that want to carry out Digital Transfor- mation have also built IT capabilities before. They often have IT systems that are already running and widely used in companies (System Legacy). However, the planned Digital Transformation is very likely to require systems and devices that are very different from those already owned and executed. What is the best way to transition? This session will discuss the above using concepts and case examples.
read more >>Digital Operation Management
"Kitchen" from every business is its operation management. Many things need to be achieved in operation management, namely, among others, how to do the work most efficiently, the fastest, the most accurate, the best quality, with the least investment. This session will discuss what are the current technologies that can help achieve these goals, including robotics, 3D printing, Big Data Analytics, and others.
read more >>Shifting HR Management into Digital
"Human Resources Management is the most sensitive thing in Digital Transformation, because many things previously done by humans can now be done by machines faster, better and cheaper. In addition, many employees are difficult to increase their competence to be part of the company's future after digital transformation. Many traditional HR management methods today are no longer suitable, and demand "Agile HR Development". This session discusses how to transition from the current HR condition to HR management during the digital transformation."
read more >>Seminar Online COVID-19: Myth & Facts
Banyak informasi tentang COVID-19 yang belum terungkap. Akibatnya banyak orang yang berspekulasi, sehingga munculah beberapa mitos dan fakta yang terkait dengan hal ini, Apa yang mesti kita lakukan untuk merespon hal tersebut?
read more >>Pendampingan Penerapan Transformasi Digital - PT BPD Kalteng
Review Meeting Pendampingan Penerapan Transformasi Digital - PT BPD Kalteng dalam peran serta gvernance untuk membahas program yang sudah terlaksana dan belum, berikut hambatannnya.
read more >>Balancing Health VS Economic - COVID19
Pandemi Covid-19 membuat banyak negara masuk ke jurang resesi. Indonesia pun terancam. Lalu, apa yang harus dilakukan? Memerangi pandemi lebih dulu atau menyelamatkan perekonomian? Atau bisakah keduanya dilakukan secara simultan?
read more >>Marketing in The Digital Age
Interaction with customers and non-customers is one of the most rapidly changing activities due to digitalization. Microtargeting is possible and is a powerful digital marketing weapon today. Omnichannel data communication and integration is the back end needed to support this. In this session participants will explore how the above can be applied to their company.
read more >>Hack Your New Normal - Maybank Indonesia
Webinar untuk membahasa trend perbankan dan transaksi digital terkini di Indonesia terutama setelah adanya pandemi COVID-19 dan memasuki era new normal
read more >>Crafting Digital Strategy
Digital Strategy is not the same as IT Strategy. Digital Strategy includes strategies that the company wants to do through its Digital Transformation, along with its measurement indicators using the Balanced Scorecard method. Also a long-term business strategy whether to go to an IPO, private offering, merger & acquisition, with the consequences of steps that must be taken. All of these will be discussed in this session.
read more >>Digital Business Model Innovation
The most disruptive digital transformation is what changes the mainstream business model. Suppose that Uber changed the business model of the taxi industry that had been formed for so long, and therefore instantly changed the map of the strength of the personal transportation industry. In this session participants will learn how to innovate a business model that fits their company.
read more >>All-Round Digital Transformation Leadership - Bank Artha Graha Internasional
Bank Artha Graha Internasional ingin menyiapkan para pemimpinnya untuk mempunyai business mindset dan concept yang dapat membuat Bank Artha Graha Internasional bertransformasi sesuai dengan perkembangan yang terjadi, melalui seminar yang dibawakan oleh Intellectual Business Community.
read more >>Four Pillars in Leading the Digital Transformation
In this session participants will learn four important pillars that need to be led in digital transformation, in addition to technological changes in their companies. Indeed, leadership to transform things including organizational culture is far more important than technological change.
read more >>What is Your Digital Vision for Your Company?
In this session participants will be invited to think about what the future of the industry is where the company currently exists, and given tools to create a vision for the company for another 5-10 years, after digital transformation. This vision must be realistic and take into account the speed of change caused by digitalization.
read more >>Digital Transformation Leadership - Maybank Indonesia
Maybank Indonesia ingin menyiapkan para pemimpinnya untuk mempunyai business mindset dan concept yang dapat membuat Maybank Indonesia bertransformasi sesuai dengan perkembangan yang terjadi, melalui seminar yang dibawakan oleh Intellectual Business Community.
read more >>The Digital Forces that Change Your Business
Digitalization brings disruptive changes in business landscape. Many conventional well-established companies are facing threat of losing their existence. To survive, conventional companies should change and capitalize digital advancement through Digital Transformation
read more >>Urgensi Kepemimpinan dalam Percepatan Transformasi Digital
Bayu yang juga merupakan dosen program S-2 manajemen ini menyajikan disertasi berjudul Determinants and Consequence of Leaders' Effectiveness in Indonesian Banks Digital Transformation. Melalui penelitian yang dilakukannya itu, Bayu berharap mampu memberikan sumbangan pikiran dalam pengembangan teori khususnya yang berkaitan dengan digital.
read more >>Leadership, Kunci Transformasi Digital Sektor Perbankan
Gelar tersebut berhasil diperoleh dengan disertasinya yang berjudul "Determinants and Consequence of Leaders' Effectiveness in Indonesian Banks Digital Transformation" setelah dinyatakan lulus dengan predikat cum laude oleh tim penguji sidang terbuka yang bertempat di auditorium Hj. Darlina Julius di Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI pada tanggal 17 Januari 2020 lalu.
read more >>Efektivitas Kepemimpinan Tingkatkan Transformasi Digital
Penelitian Bayu Prawira Hie terhadap bank-bank di Indonesia menemukan bahwa digital vision, transforming organizational culture, digital transformation governance, dan IT-Business integration baik secara parsial maupun simultan memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap leader’s effectiveness. Kontribusi pengaruh simultan ini mencapai 63 persen.
read more >>Bayu Prawira Hie Raih Gelar Doktor Ilmu Manajemen
Sekretaris Jenderal Asosiasi Digital Entrepreneur Indonesia (ADEI) Bayu Prawira Hie berhasil mempertahankan disertasinya dalam sidang terbuka/promosi doktor ilmu manajemen di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI, Jumat (17/1/2020)
read more >>Sidang Promosi Doktor Bayu Prawira Hie
Photo & Video : Bayu Prawira Hie memberi judul disertasinya “Determinants and Consequence of Leaders’ Effectiveness in Indonesian Banks Digital Transformation” - BeritaSatu Youtube Channel
read more >>Bayu Prawira Raih Gelar Doktor Tranformasi Digital Pertama di Indonesias
Sekretaris Jendral Asosiasi Digital Entrepreneur Indonesia (ADEI), Dr Bayu Prawira Hie berhasil mempertahankan disertasinya dalam sidang terbuka/promosi dalam meraih gelar Doktor.
read more >>Digital Transformation Leadership - Bank Victoria
Bank Victoria ingin menyiapkan para pemimpinnya untuk mempunyai business mindset dan concept yang dapat membuat Bank Victoria bertransformasi sesuai dengan perkembangan yang terjadi, melalui seminar yang dibawakan oleh Intellectual Business Community
read more >>Determinants and Consequence of Leaders’ Effectiveness in Indonesian Banks Digital Transformationy
Dr. Bayu Prawira Hie, Sekretaris Jenderal Asosiasi Digital Entrepreneur (ADEI) resmi meraih gelar doktor di Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI.
read more >>Managing Cybersecurity Risks
A lot of progress can be achieved with Digital Transformation, but on the other hand digital security risks are also things that cannot be abandoned. Unfortunately a lot who do not realize the magnitude of the danger that can occur if this risk is not properly maintained. Security risk location this digital is not only on software and hardware, but it is the biggest aspect of technology management. This session does not discuss cybersecurity technically digital, however from the perspective of a leader in managing technology.
read more >>Improving The Rhythm of Your Collaboration
Alternating between always-on connectivity and heads-down focus is essential for problem-solving.
read more >>The Millenial Society
Millennials are those born between 1980-1995, which means they are now 23-38 years old, with characteristics that are different from the previous generation (Generation X) and later generations (Gen Z). At present they constitute the largest percentage of workforce and in the next 5-10 years they will become leaders in most companies. On the other hand, they are ‘the rising middle class' in Indonesia, which determines the purchasing power of consumers. This session will explore the characteristics of the Millennial Generation both in terms of how to manage them as leaders, employees, and consumers.
Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Transformasi Digital untuk Pegawai PT Bank Kalteng.
read more >>Building The AI-Powered Organization
Technology isn’t the biggest challenge. Culture is.
read more >>Transitioning Technology in Digital Transformation
IT is at the heart of Digital Transformation. Generally, companies that want to carry out Digital Transfor- mation have also built IT capabilities before. They often have IT systems that are already running and widely used in companies (System Legacy). However, the planned Digital Transformation is very likely to require systems and devices that are very different from those already owned and executed. What is the best way to transition? This session will discuss the above using concepts and case examples.
read more >>Digital Operation Management
"Kitchen" from every business is its operation management. Many things need to be achieved in operation management, namely, among others, how to do the work most efficiently, the fastest, the most accurate, the best quality, with the least investment. This session will discuss what are the current technologies that can help achieve these goals, including robotics, 3D printing, Big Data Analytics, and others.
read more >>The Age of Continuous Connection
The New Technologies have made 24/7 customer relationships possible. It’s time to change your business model accordingly.
read more >>Shifting HR Management into Digital
"Human Resources Management is the most sensitive thing in Digital Transformation, because many things previously done by humans can now be done by machines faster, better and cheaper. In addition, many employees are difficult to increase their competence to be part of the company's future after digital transformation. Many traditional HR management methods today are no longer suitable, and demand "Agile HR Development". This session discusses how to transition from the current HR condition to HR management during the digital transformation.
read more >>How Digital Leadership is(n't) Different
Leaders must blend traditional and new skills to effectively guide their organizations into the future.
read more >>Don't Be Blinded by Your Own Expertise
Deep knowledge and experience can leave leaders incurious, blinkered, and vulnerable—even in their own fields.
read more >>Marketing In The Digital Age
Interaction with customers and non-customers is one of the most rapidly changing activities due to digitalization. Microtargeting is possible and is a powerful digital marketing weapon today. Omnichannel data communication and integration is the back end needed to support this. In this session participants will explore how the above can be applied to their company.
read more >>Crafting Digital Strategy
Digital Strategy is not the same as IT Strategy. Digital Strategy includes strategies that the company wants to do through its Digital Transformation, along with its measurement indicators using the Balanced Scorecard method. Also a long-term business strategy whether to go to an IPO, private offering, merger & acquisition, with the consequences of steps that must be taken. All of these will be discussed in this session.
read more >>Structure That's Not Stifling
Well-designed and well-implemented guidelines are not the death of freedom.
read more >>Digital Business Model Innovation
The most disruptive digital transformation is what changes the mainstream business model. Suppose that Uber changed the business model of the taxi industry that had been formed for so long, and therefore instantly changed the map of the strength of the personal transportation industry. In this session participants will learn how to innovate a business model that fits their company.
read more >>Digital Transformation in Banking Industry - Maybank Indonesia
Pelatihan All-Round Digital Transformation Program - Maybank Indonesia
read more >>Marketing in the Age of Alexa
AI assistants will transform how companies and customers connect..
read more >>The Five Steps All Leaders Must Take in the Age of Uncertainty
Corporate executives need to move beyond managing only their own company and become active influencers within broader systems.
read more >>Four Pillars in Leading the Digital Transformation
In this session participants will learn four important pillars that need to be led in digital transformation, in addition to technological changes in their companies. Indeed, leadership to transform things including organizational culture is far more important than technological change.
read more >>Leading Innovation Go Digital
"Rapat Kerja Directorate Technology and Operation Tahun 2019"
read more >>Face The Future of Work
No one in the workplace will be left untouched by the forces of digital technology.
read more >>Maybank Indonesia Leadership Capabilities Program - Batch 02
Leadership Capabilities Program
read more >>BPD Kalteng All-Round Digital Transformation Leadership Program - Season 01
All-Round Digital Transformation Leadership Program
read more >>The Digital Forces that Change Your Business
Digitalization brings disruptive changes in business landscape. Many conventional well-established companies are facing threat of losing their existence. To survive, conventional companies should change and capitalize digital advancement through Digital Transformation
read more >>Creating a Purpose Driven Organization
How to get Employees to Bring Their Smarts and Energy to Work.
read more >>Maybank Indonesia Leadership Capabilities Program - Batch 01
Leadership Capabilities Program
read more >>Turning Strategy into Result
How can leaders translate the complexity of strategy into guidelines that are simple and flexible enough to execute? Rather than trying to boil the strategy down to a pithy statement, it’s better to develop a small set of priorities that everyone gets behind to produce results.
read more >>HR Sharing for Suppliers 2018 - PT AHM
HR Sharing for Suppliers 2018 "Tantangan di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0" - PT AHM
read more >>Is Your Company Ready for a Digital Future?
There are four different pathways that businesses can take to become top performers in the digital economy. Leadership's role is to determine which pathway to pursue — and how aggressively to move.
CIO and COO Professional Discussion Forum.
read more >>Telkom Great People Development Program II
Understanding Profit and Growth Drivers while Maintaining Legal & Compliance
read more >>The Leader's Guide to Corporate Culture
Changing your organization's culture can improve its performance. Here's how to do that.
read more >>Leading Banking Transformation in Digital Era, How Ready We Are?
As early as 1994, Bill Gates made the provocative and still controversially discussed statement that in the future, banking would be needed, but banks themselves would not. With every passing year, the background of this statement seems to gain importance.
read more >>How to Become a Game-Changing Leader
To successfully lead major organizational transformations, executives need to align purpose, performance, and principles within their companies. Doing so isn’t easy—and requires mastery of a wide range of leadership skills.
read more >>Happiness Traps: How We Sabotage Ourselves at Work
The drive to achieve goals and further our careers pushes us to be and do our best. But when ambition is coupled with hypercompetitiveness and a single-minded focus on winning, we get into trouble.
read more >>What Managers Need to Know about Social Tools
Avoid the common pitfalls so that your organization can collaborate, learn, and innovate.
read more >>Prudential Indonesia - " LEADERS LEAD LEADERS - PROGRAM 2018 "
Prudential Indonesia realizes that leadership is the key to further develop Prudential to be the best insurance company in Indonesia. To accomplish this goal, Prudential must develop the leaders of all levels into great leaders. Prudential Indonesia wants to empower senior leaders to be the coach and trainer of others leaders.
read more >>The Next Wave of Business Modles in Asia
There's a new generation of sophisticated entrepreneurial growth companies in Asia - and they're competing byreconfiguring business models.
read more >>PT Hitachi Asia Indonesia - " HIGH IMPACT TRAINERS - PROGRAM 2018"
The managers of Hitachi Group of Companies want to improve their presenting skills so that every presentation materials they have prepared can be presented in an effective way, and make every presentation time an interesting and impressive time to share.
read more >>Exponential Thingking in Digital Revolution
Digital Transformation from Idea to Concept to Action
read more >>Winning the Digital War for Talent
Many traditional talent management processes weren't designed for today's increasingly digital world. That's why a new approach is needed.
read more >>Summary Key Highlight
Kino Executive Dev Program 2017 using Harvard Business Review materials
read more >>How to Tackle Your Toughest Decision
it's sometimes hard to think clearly about gray-are issues. You need to open your mind, assemble the right team, and analyze your option through a humanist lens
read more >>The New Science on Team Chemistry
The four work styles described here - Pioneers, Guardians, Drivers, and Integrators
read more >>Don't Let Power Corrupt You
How to rise to the top without losing the virtues that got you there.
read more >>Know Your Customers 'Jobs to be Done'
Is innovation inherently a hit-or-miss endeavor? Not if you understand why customers make the choices they do.
read more >>Strategi Branding Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Every personnel should be aware as part of Brand, especially when using uniforms.
read more >>Know Your Customers 'Jobs to be Done'
For as long as we can remember, innovation has been a top priority—and a top frustration—for leaders. In a recent McKinsey poll, 84% of global executives reported that innovation was extremely important to their growth strategies, but a staggering 94% were dissatis ed with their organizations’ innovation
read more >>High Impact Trainers - Program 2017
The managers of Hitachi Group of Companies want to improve their presenting skills so that every presentation materials they have prepared can be presented in an effective way, and make every presentation time an interesting and impressive time to share.
read more >>Superforcasting
Imagine that you could dramatically improve your firm's forecasting ability, but to do so youd have to expose just how unreliable its predictions—and the people making them—really are.
read more >>The Scandal Effect
When companies misbehave, executives pay a price on the job market - even if they had nothing to do with the trouble.
read more >>Beyond the Holacracy Hype
The overwrought claims-and actual promise-of the next generation of self-managed teams
read more >>Managing the High-Intensity Workplace
An "always available" culture breeds a variety of dysfunctional of behaviours.
read more >>Branding in the Age of Social Media
In the era of Facebook and YouTube, brand building has become a vexing challenge.
read more >>Managing the High-Intensity Workplace
An "always available" culture breeds a variety of dysfunctional of behaviours.
read more >>Dapatkan Sertifikat Asesor Kompetensi
Dalam 5 tahun mendatang hampir semua bidang tenaga kerja mensyaratkan sertifikat kompetensi dari BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi).
read more >>How To Build a Culture of Originality
Anyone can innovate if given the opportunity and the support.
read more >>Engineering Reverse Innovations
Principles for creating successful products for emerging markets.
read more >>Marketing Strategy of ENZIM Toothpaste
At MetroTV, Program Metro Plus. Tuesday, 24 May 2016 talking about the marketing strategy of Enzim toothpaste.
read more >>The Biology of Corporate Survival
Natural ecosystems hold surprising lessons for business.
read more >>Transforming Business into DigitaL, TOGAMAS - Malang
With the concept of discount stores (discount for life), the price of the book much cheaper than modern bookstores in general.
read more >>Change or Die! Digital Technology Era
7th anniversary of the Komunitas Wirausaha Excellent invite the digital technology professionals which has implemented the digital technology promotion, marketing and sales for their company and to share information concerning this phenomena and trends.
read more >>High Impact Trainers
The managers of Hitachi Group of Companies want to improve their presenting skills so that every presentation materials they have prepared can be presented in an effective way, and make every presentation time an interesting and impressive time to share.
read more >>General Meeting of ADEI
Association as a forum to promote the economy of Indonesia - based on digital technology.
read more >>What is Distruptive Innovation
Twenty years after the introduction of the theory, we revisit-what it does-and doesn't-explain.
read more >>Workshop Delegating Effectively
You can measure whether your manager has been delegated the task effectively.
read more >>Manage Your
Emotional Culture
Most leaders focus on how employees think and behave-but feelings matter just as much.
read more >>Declaration ADEI
February 1, 2016
On Monday, February 1st, 2016 Upcoming ADEI will be located in the Secretariat declaration ADEI. The Declaration is a sign that ADEI ready to build and support the small UKM that exist throughout Indonesia.
read more >>The inauguration of the Secretariat of ADEI
On December 17, 2015, the Founders Adei inauguration Adei secretariat offices located in the E-Building Complex Harmoni Plaza Blok I No. 1-4, Jl. Suryopranoto No. 2 Central Jakarta. It is hoped this place can be the center of activity and also a place for the new SME members who want to work and receive guidance from mentors in ADEI.