
The e-Building
Komp. Harmoni Plaza Blok I No.1-4
Jakarta Pusat 10130



Digitalization brings disruptive changes in business landscape. We've seen many established companies who have been decades in business caught up by new companies using digital approach. In a few years after it started as an on-line bookstore, Amazon had grown bigger than the largest conventional bookstore in Indonesia who had been in business for more than 50 years. In 2015, Amazon's capitalization had surpassed Wal-Mart, the largest conventional retailer in US. The same stories applies to businesses of travel agents, taxi companies, financial institutions, etc. Many conventional well-established companies are facing threat of losing their existence. To survive, conventional companies should change and capitalize digital advancement through Digital Transformation process.


The number one challenge that companies face in Digital Transformation is human resources. There are two types of human resources that companies lacking; those who can lead the business transformation, and those who can lead the technology transformation. Between these two, the first category (those who can lead) is more important, because actually technology can be outsourced if necessary. However, to lead the business digital transformation, the talents also need to have the digital proficiency, not at the technical level but at the conceptual level. Hardly we can find talents who have competency about Digital Transformation, and to transform, a company needs a team of leaders who have the comprehensive competency. Therefore it is mandatory that every company that plans to do Digital Transformation to equip its leaders with this competency.


A series of workshops carefully designed in a curriculum that covers all the aspects needed in a Digital Transformation of a company. The participants needs to not just understand the concepts, but also connect the concepts to the real situation of their company and tools to apply. This “ROADMAP for DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM” is designed to fulfill that purpose.


Dr. Bayu Prawira Hie is a seasoned strategy and human resources consultant, with 25 years experience in teaching business and management subjects. He held a Medical Doctor degree from University of Indonesia, MBA from Webster University (Netherlands), and currently doing doctoral dissertation in Digital Transformation Leadership. He also went to Harvard Business School for advance course in teaching with Harvard materials. His thought in digital transformation in national education system was published as a book titled “Revolusi Sistem Pendidikan Nasional dengan Metode e-Learning” by Gramedia in 2014. Digilearn and Digimed are e-Learning platforms that he built, as his commitment to transform learning into digital ways.


The participants who fit into this program typically are university graduate by education (Bachelor or Masters), moderate to advance English reading skills, senior level managers or progressive middle level managers from private/public/SOE companies, and have real roles in preparing their companies into Digital Transformation. Each company needs to send at least 2 (two) participants, so that they can reinforce each other to understand and especially to implement what they have learned.


This program is designed for the registered participants to follow all sessions. However, if some participants are not able to attend certain sessions, the company can send replacement. It is not advisable to send different participants for each session.


Participants will be registered in DIGILEARN e-learning platform. Pre-session readings will be available for participants 2 (two) weeks before the session. Post-session e-Learning is available within 1 week after the particular session. Final Exam (optional) is available after 9 sessions are completed.


11 important topics including Digital Strategy, Agile Human Resources Management, Digital Marketing, etc.


Upon completion of this program, participants who attend 8 sessions out of 11 sessions or more, will receive a “ROADMAP for DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION" Certificate of Participation from Intellectual Business Community, and participants who take and pass the On-line Final Exam will receive a “ROADMAP for DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION" Certificate of Competency.


Investment for the whole 11 sessions are.
• 1 participants: USD. 1,450
• 2 participants: USD. 2,550
• 3 participants: USD. 3,650
• 4 participants: USD. 4,650
• 5 participants: USD. 5,500

No VAT applied

Group delegates should come from the same company (PT), dan invoice cannot be split.


Each session is a part of a Comprehensive Digital Transformation Plan that participants can make at the end of the whole sessions. Whenever a company needs to have a Comprehensive Digital Transformation Plan that involves the participation of more employees, in-house workshop is available.

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