
The e-Building
Komp. Harmoni Plaza Blok I No.1-4
Jakarta Pusat 10130

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Global Mind Leaders - " Face The Future of Work "



" Face The Future of Work "


No one in the workplace will be left untouched by the forces of digital technology.
By Lynda Gratton
( MIT Sloan Management Review ).

Idea In Brief

The Problem
We are living through a grand transition in the way people work. Constant and extraordinary innovation in machine learning and robotics is reshaping our professional lives.
Some tasks will be replaced. Others will be augmented. No one — not even the highly skilled — will be untouched.
Meanwhile, as people live longer and their working lives expand, they are moving from the traditions of the three-stage life — full-time education leading to full-time work leading to full-time retirement — to something a great deal more fluid, flexible, and multistaged.