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Komp. Harmoni Plaza Blok I No.1-4
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Kino Executive Development Program - " Know Your Customers 'Jobs to be Done' "



" Know Your Customers 'Jobs to be Done' "


For as long as we can remember, innovation has been a top priority—and a top frustration—for leaders. In a recent McKinsey poll, 84% of global executives reported that innovation was extremely important to their growth strategies, but a staggering 94% were dissatis ed with their organizations’ innovation
by Clayton M. Christensen, Taddy Hall, Karen Dillon, and David S. Duncan ( Harvard Business Review ).

Idea In Brief

What's Wrong
Innovation success rates are shockingly low worldwide, and have been for decades.
What's Needed
Marketers and product developers focus too much on customer pro les and on correlations unearthed in data, and not enough on what customers are trying to achieve in a particular circumstance.
What's Effective
Successful innovators identify poorly performed “jobs” in customers’ lives—and then design products, experiences, and processes around those jobs.