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Global Mind Leaders - " Learn to Love Networking "



" Learn to Love Networking "


Even people who find it repugnant can do it effectively
by Tiziana Casciaro, Francesca Gino, and Maryam Kouchaki
( Harvard Business Review ).

Idea In Brief

“I HATE NETWORKING.” We hear this all the time from executives, other professionals, and MBA students. They tell us that networking makes them feel uncomfortable and phony— even dirty. Although some people have a natural passion for it—namely, the extroverts who love and thrive on social interaction— many understandably see it as brown-nosing, exploitative, and inauthentic.
But in today’s world, networking is a necessity. A mountain of research shows that professional networks lead to more job and business opportunities, broader and deeper knowledge, improved capacity to innovate, faster advancement, and greater status and authority. Building and nurturing professional relationships also improves the quality of work and increases job satisfaction.